(If tears aren't running down your face at the sight of this, you're a terrorist.)
Yes. A Bald Eagle, grasping -with his talons- a Big Mouth Bass out of a blue globe on top of a red and white trapezoidal pyramid. Whew, that's a lot of modifiers.
This alone makes for an amazing sight, but wait, what's that behind this majestic scene?
Behold! Pt. 2
(That Elephant looks pissed)
What the hell is going on? The oddest pairing of animals ever; a horse and what must be a pygmy elephant. Judging by the 4+ stagecoaches lying around here, they are a pulling team. Note: the black horse in the rear is an exact copy of the brown one, except it's black.
This begins to set my mind rolling with questions. Why are all these placed here in the middle of southern Indiana back-country? What kind of grandiose building will be constructed to house such oddities?
Behold! Pt 3
( well.)
I guess? It is still under construction.
This is not the 'Temple of Wonderment' I had expected. It's more like the 'Pole-Barn of Mediocrity.'
So many questions are left in my mind and hopefully, over time, they will be answered.
(To be Continued)
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