There are some FOX shows that get cancelled long before they jump the shark. Firefly, Freaks and Geeks, Wonderfalls, just to name a few. Human Target is a show that I fanatically carry a torch for and miss it so much that I actually have written several fan-fiction scripts. So any producers reading who want to push a revival, hit me up!
The show is focused on former hit-man Christopher Chance. Chance, had a change in heart and is now helping people in trouble. He gets help from his former cop buddy and a fellow former -yet still a sociopath- hit-man. In season two a rehabilitated con-artist joins the ranks along with a rich socialite. It is basically The A-Team, MacGyver and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles rolled into one. The chemistry between all these characters is so good. Quips and jabs at one another along with inside lingo that may not make sense to the viewer but is still funny and/or useful. What I'm saying is the the writing is so good that I believe these characters and it is easy to believe that they have been a team for a long time. I get the idea that we aren't seeing all of their (mis)adventures which leads to fans (like myself) to invent adventures in our heads. That's how you get a cult following of hardcore fans.
However, what Human Target delivers better than any show is 100% Pure cheesy action.
Now, if it's cheesy, I love it. Books about religiously fanatic space marines? Count me in. Comics about a gangster hunting hero from the 50's named 'Lobster Johnson'? Sign me up! Professional wrestling? YES! YES! YES!
Pure. Cheese.
I think poor promotion advertising the frequent and unnecessary schedule changes for the show killed its chances (No pun intended). I honestly want to thank anyone involved with the making of this show. I know it sounds cheesy but Human Target got me through some rough times and it helped me stay creative when I felt like shit.
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