Wednesday, June 06, 2012

New Format: Explained

So what's going on with the blog? Well, to those of you familiar with internet jargon 'LTTP' stands for 'Late to the Party'. The phrase often precedes a discussion about things (Mainly media, books, movies, ect) that are well past their pop-culture prime. Example: 'LTTP: Sleepaway Camp.'
 Since I'm not a buy-on-day-one kind of guy, I figure this is the best way to get my opinion out there without forcing myself to stay current. Also, because what I'll be talking about will be old, spoilers will be unmarked and recklessly sprinkled throughout my posts. I will not feel bad if I ruin the end of Sleepaway Camp by saying that you will be scarred for life by jail-bait transsexual murderer dick.
(Not pictured: Transsexual murderer dick.)


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